
  • 0.7から一応できるようにはなっていたらしい。で、試したわけではないが設定方法をドキュメントから掲載
 How to setup Red5 clustering

This document describes the steps to configure and deploy your application on Red5 

As of now, the current trunk only supports the clustering configuration for multiple
Edges with one Origin. The Edge server only accepts RTMP connection.

Server Configuration
There are several configuration files added to support Edge/Origin configuration, 
they are under conf/:

 - red5-edge.xml, red5-edge-core.xml -- used for Edge Spring bean configuration. 
 - red5-origin.xml, red5-origin-core.xml -- used for Origin Spring bean configuration

Configure Edge Server
You don't need to deploy your application on Edges. We strongly recommend you to deploy
Edge on a different server from Origin. But it should be OK to deploy the Edge on the
same server as Origin.

Edge on a different Server from Origin
Update the configuration of bean "mrtmpClient" in red5-edge-core.xml to point to the 
Origin server:

    <bean id="mrtmpClient" class=""
    	<property name="ioHandler" ref="mrtmpHandler" />
    	<property name="server" value="" />
    	<property name="port" value="${mrtmp.port}" />
Now you can start the server with or 'java -jar red5.jar'.

Edge on the same Server as Origin
You don't need to change red5.xml. Copy $(RED5_EDGE_ROOT)/conf/red5.xml to 
$(RED5_ORIGIN_ROOT)/red5-edge.xml and start the server with 
'java -jar red5.jar red5-edge.xml' or update and add the 'red5-edge.xml'

Configure Origin Server
Deploy your application to webapps/. Make sure your 9035 port is not blocked by a
firewall. The port will be used by Edge servers to create a connection with the Origin
server. Start the server with or 'java -jar red5.jar'.

Your RTMP can go through Edges now. Your RTMPT and HTTP can go through Origin as normal.
  • Ummmmmmmm。あまりのシンプルさに感激したがまだ試せてないのでなんとも言えない。PC足りねぇ・・・
  • そういえば私がRed5の存在を知った時はすでに0.7であり、H.264のプレイヤーサイトとかでも紹介されおり、成熟したものかと思っていたがまだ正式リリースではなかったようだ。現在は0.9RCなのでもう少し。しかし現状でもクラスタリングがちゃんと動作してくれるのであれば涙が出るほどうれしいプロジェクトである。